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  • sashacoblenz

Filling Our Buckets

In the colorful world of Daisy Girl Scouts, creativity knows no bounds. Recently, our troop embarked on a delightful crafting adventure that not only ignited their imaginations but also spread a message of kindness and empathy. What were they up to, you ask? Well, they were busy creating buckets – not your ordinary plastic pails, mind you, but buckets made out of ticket rolls and modge podge ( strong glue). Intrigued? Let me tell you all about it.

Inspired by the beloved children's book "Have You Filled a Bucket Today?" by Carol McCloud, the girls set out to bring the book's message to life in a tangible and hands-on way. For those unfamiliar with the book, "Have You Filled a Bucket Today?" is a heartwarming tale that introduces the concept of "bucket filling" – the idea that everyone carries an invisible bucket that can be filled by acts of kindness, love, and appreciation.

In the story, children are encouraged to be bucket fillers by performing acts of kindness, such as saying kind words, helping others, and being thoughtful. Conversely, they learn about the concept of "bucket dipping," which involves actions that can empty someone's bucket, such as teasing, excluding, or being mean.

Now, why is this book so great for kids? Well, for starters, it teaches valuable lessons about empathy, compassion, and the power of positive actions. By introducing the metaphor of the bucket, children are able to grasp abstract concepts like kindness and empathy in a concrete and relatable way. They learn that their words and actions have the power to either fill or empty someone's bucket, and that by choosing kindness, they can make a positive difference in the lives of others.

Moreover, "Have You Filled a Bucket Today?" promotes a culture of kindness and inclusivity, fostering a sense of community and belonging among children. It encourages them to look out for one another, to celebrate each other's successes, and to support each other through difficult times. In today's world, where acts of kindness and empathy are more important than ever, this book serves as a gentle reminder of the values that unite us as human beings.

Back to our crafty Daisy Girl Scouts – armed with empty ticket rolls, colorful paper, and bottles of modge podge, they set out to create their own buckets as a visual representation of the buckets in the book. Each scout poured their heart and soul into decorating their bucket, adding glitter, and forming the tickets in a shape to make it uniquely their own. As they worked on their crafts, they discussed the lessons they had learned from the book and shared stories of times when they had filled someone's bucket or had their own bucket filled by others.

In the end, what started as a simple crafting project turned into a powerful lesson in kindness and empathy. After all, as the book reminds us, "When you fill someone's bucket, you fill your own bucket too."

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