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  • sashacoblenz

Make The World A better Place Petal.

The rose-colored petal ( lightest pink petal) illustrates that when girls notice and address a community need, they will positively impact many lives. We chose to look at how gardening/ growing our own food can impact the world. You can grow your own food and make sure it is clean and healthy. Gardening gives you the chance to help our planet fight with global warming, pollution, and allow a family or community to work together. It is a chance for girls to gain new skills- and learn how the world works on a biological level. We also wanted to show the troop how simple it can be to grow something on your own and the importance of planting.

Each girl had the chance to plant a veggie of their choosing in a mini greenhouse. We explained how a green house works. Everyone got to touch some potting soil, and view various types of seeds. When we garden, not only do we make the world a more beautiful place, we also improve local biodiversity, and mitigate against flooding by preventing erosion, all while improving our own health and well-being, which together have been shown to directly determine how effectively our society thrives.

We read Miss Rumphius by Barbara Cooney. In this story we follow Miss Rumphius from youth to old age as she fulfills her goals: to travel the world, to live by the sea, and to make the world more beautiful by planting lupine flowers all over the coast of Maine. This warm tale of respect, hope, and responsibility sends the message that each of us can perform acts that will make the world a better place in which to live.

We ended the day with some freeze dance- the girls made a huge circle together - and it was very sweet. This is such a wonderful group.

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