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  • sashacoblenz

Respect Myself and Others Petal

The dark purple petal shows that good feelings have a ripple effect and, when you start with treating yourself well, you benefit along with everyone around you. We discussed what respect means, both towards oneself and to others. Some ideas that surfaced for respecting oneself included taking care of physical needs, such as bathing and brushing teeth. Respect for others included talking about being on time and not interrupting others.Respecting yourself also means putting your best foot forward and taking good care of yourself. Respecting others means having good manners and speaking politely.

Today the girls were able to do yoga with a local mother; Jennifer. Before we met with our instructor we discussed why yoga is good for our bodies. Yoga teaches self-awareness, self-regulation, and stress reduction, and can help the girls learn how to respond reflectively rather than reactively to life’s challenges.

We read The Cat on The Mat,by Bonnie Worth. Here the girls were introduced to mindfulness meditation, and in this simple, rhyming book the girls once again saw how to slow down and still their bodies and minds through simple breathing exercises and focused concentration. This is a perfect choice for fostering mindfulness in young readers, and a practical tool for helping them learn to deal with stress.

The girls also earned their Yoga Fun Badge. It can be ironed on the back of their tunic

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