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  • sashacoblenz

Thanksgiving and the Honest and Fair Petal

Today the girls earned the Honest & Fair Petal. The light blue petal teaches girls that our word is our bond. We strive to be truthful and support equal treatment for all. To send home this message to our five year olds we started by playing various board games. Troop leaders asked all the girls to show good sportswomanship by not only following all game rules, but also cheering for the winner of the game.

Board and card games help teach your child about aspiration, success, and disappointment. Games also give you the opportunity to teach the girls about rules, about integrity and honesty, and about luck. Games also can help increase your child's ability to focus attention. Playing board or card games also is a very social thing. Game playing enables and encourages your daughter to practice important social skills that they need to play with other kids. Nearly all games involve taking turns, sharing dice or a spinner, waiting for your turn, patience, and learning how to be a good sport. (When you play games with your child, try to emphasize the fun of game as much as possible, rather than focusing on "who's winning.")

We read Ruthie and the Not So teeny Tiny Lie by Laura Rankin. This gentle read aloud talks about honesty and the importance of telling the truth.

We also talked about the upcoming holiday while creating beautiful leaf sun-catchers. We started off talking a little bit about what it means to be thankful. I explained that we have lots of things that we should be thankful for, things that make us feel good and even safe. Gratitude is one of many positive emotions. It's about focusing on what's good in our lives and being thankful for the things we have- this is the mindset we had while creating our Thanksgiving artwork. The girls earned a Thanksgiving fun badge for the back of their tunic! It can be ironed on.

The fun badges all go on the back of the tunic, and we add the petals as we earn them to the front.

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Én kommentar

16. nov. 2022

Such great messages and photos. feel so lucky to be in this group. X

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